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----  to my friend who are single  (http://www.ygrclub.com/dispbbs.asp?boardid=11&rootid=46022&id=46022)

--  作者:皮孚
--  发布时间:2002-9-15 16:23:17

--  to my friend who are single
love is like a butterfly.the more you chase it,the more it eludes you. but if you just let it fly, it will come to you when you least expect it .love can
make you happy but often it hurts ,but love's only special when you give it
to someone who is really worth it.so take your time and choose the best.
爱像蝴蝶.你越追它,它越躲闪你 .但是如果你让它自由飞舞,它会在你最意想不到时翩然而至.爱能让你感到幸福,但它又经常 伤害你,只有当你把爱献给 真正值得爱的人时,爱才会

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